Tuesday, March 24, 2015



  1. Sydney Bruckner:
    The personality of Your Mom is kind, happy and caring and free-spirited. In your photos her facial expressions show me these traits. She comes off as a very playful fun person to be around because of her smile, which makes her come off as a really free-spirited fun person. I can really tell that the reason you see her as someone important is because the fact that she is a very happy person and fun to be around. Her clothing shows me that she is hardworking since she’s dressed formally. You were most successful at the angles you took the pictures and the lighting you used. Your pictures are very clear and creative and I liked them a lot .

  2. : Your mom seems like a very cheerful person, not to mention she is beautiful. I guess it runs in your family. I got the impression that she is a very summery person as well. This is because she was wearing summery shirts and the lighting was bright. The bright light gives her a positive atmosphere. I really like how defined your mom is in each portrait. Another visual clue was her outfits. Each one of her outfits seemed planned and coordinated, so I would guess that she cares about her appearance. Each picture really seemed to pop, and I loved the consistent vibrancy in your photos. You also did really well with choosing flattering lights. I especially like your existing light pictures. The only suggestion that I have would be to try and incorporate a few more props in your pictures, so that we can get a more in depth view of your mom’s personality. Also, I would try to use a variety of different poses for your portraits.

  3. From looking at these pictures I think she captured her models personality because her model looks happy, nice.
    The photographer was really good at editing her pictures and the presentation at which it is shown looks really nice.
