Thursday, March 19, 2015

Lighting Final


Look at her smile. That is the reason i smile. She is the reason i am who i am. She is my mother. My caretaker. She has given me everything she possibly can and i don't thank her enough. This is Cheri Linn Bruckner. The most kind and beautiful woman i've ever known. She is one of the most important people in my life and she always will be. She has raised me into the woman i am today. I knew when i decided to make her my model for this project, all of her pictures would be of her smiling because i love her smile and it always make me happy.  I chose to have all these pictures rather closer to her face so you can really see her features and maybe even realize why i am so in love with her smile. Most of her outfits are in businessy type outfits because she spends a lot of time at work. All of them except the last one. The last one really shows her playful side. Cheri loves games and is ALWAYS making jokes. She's also always laughing. So i really tried to capture that she is a truly happy person. This unit really helped me with this project because i really got a lot of good pictures of my mom. I also have a different prospective on taking photography. i learned that different lights have different moods and feelings that can really effect a picture and its message.  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Solid Color



Custom Shape

 I think is a very interesting way to take silhouette photos. i really liked this because you can't see the persons face. You don't know who this person is at all (well you might because i'm always partners with her) but someone looking at my picture wont know who it is. In normal pictures you give a mood or a tone by the facial expression but because you cant see the face, you have to play with your poses. By doing this project it also can give you creative freedom. I love my Custom shape because it is my own. There were no guidelines i had to follow. Photoshop has a lot of different layering options so I like that a lot of the photos wont look the same.  I really like my outcomes and i think others would have some of my same ideas.





Direct Light

Hard ML

Hard SL





Soft ML

Soft SL




Ive learned that lighting can have many different effects on a photo. Lighting can change the mood and the look of a picture. Rembrandt for example, has a dark and mysterious look to it because of how the light hits the face. The butterfly is the same picture just different lighting. The effects are every different. The rembrandt is more dark and the butterfly is more light and open even though it is the same picture. I had good success at doing my artificial light. I love all my artificial light photos because they are meant to be dramatic. If i had any advice, it is to embrace the dramatic effects because that is how the pictures are supposed to be.