Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Understanding ISO

What is ISO? Well...
ISO is the sensitivity to light. The darker it is, the larger the ISO number has to be because it must let more light in. If you are taking a picture with large amounts of light, then you will have a lower ISO number. ISO is like your tone of skin. If you burn easily out in the sun, then it's the same as having a high ISO number. If you don't burn easily, it is like having a low ISO number. When you have a high ISO, the photo could become gritty and damage the quality of the photo.

 This photo was taken with a low ISO number and is has a high quality. 

 This photo was taken with a high ISO and therefore it has grit and makes the final product not as good. 
ISO is a very important part in the exposure triangle. The exposure triangle contains of 3 items, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. If you change one thing, then everything else changes also.  If you change ISO, but don't change your shutter speed or aperture, then there is not enough light (or too much light) coming in through the camera. If there is not enough light coming through the camera, then the picture will not turn out the way you want. Everything works together to make the perfect photo.

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