Sunday, November 30, 2014

Camera Basics Quiz

Group B

 For this photo, I took a picture of my fish. I looked around and this was the only thing i could find that was constantly moving. I put my shutter speed as low as I could without it looking dark.
This is a picture of an original soccer ball. Most don't look like this anymore. For this photo, i laid down and put the camera on the ground.

This photo is a picture with grain. I thought this would be a good object to take a picture of because it has lots of color and I figured it would be festive. I like to take pictures of things from a downward angle because I think they look much cooler than a photo straight on.

This is my self-portrait. It took me about 15 different tries to get a photo I liked. I didn't have a tripod so I set the camera on a table and used the self timer. The camera gave me 10 seconds and then took 10 shots of me.

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