Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Portrait Session w/ Bailey

BailEy Elizabeth Stone

Bubbly and friendly are two perfect words to describe Bailey. Bailey Stone loves to take pictures but wants to do more than just take them. She wants to learn how to learn how to capture things (such as emotion and actions) in a still picture. She wants to learn how to portray messages in her pictures as well. If Bailey could take a picture of anything in the world, it would be anything underwater. Bailey considers herself as a perfectionist and she believes she is too hard on herself. She thinks if she could change anything about herself, it would be her perfectionism. In ten years, she sees herself with as a Child Life Specialist with family in New York.  Even though Bailey spends most of her free time on her phone and watching TV, she doesnt have a lot of free time because she is a varsity cheerleader and cheerleading takes up a lot of your time. One thing in pop culture that she wishes would go away is the popular game Clash of Clans. One of her biggest fears is a needle. She also thinks ne of her flaws is that she gets stressed very easily. If she could have one super power it would be mind-reading. Bailey doesnt like when people think bad about her or are keeping something from her. If she would eat at one type of restaurant for the rest of her life, it would be Italian restaurants.

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