Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Photographic Themes

i. At first this shooting assignment was easy. i had most of my ideas on paper already but there were a few i didn't know about what i should do. i waited a few days to see if inspiration would come,but when it didn't i went to a few friends for ideas. i had gotten all my ideas on paper but now i had the problem actually getting the pictures. i got as many pictures as i could but when i couldn't get the rest, i kinda put this project aside and put other things before it. in the blink of an eye, this project was due the next day. i still didnt have a lot of my pictures. i was feeling rushed and im not happy with some of the pictures i used. But overall, i think it turned out okay. 

ii. the overall production turned out well because this project was very personal and i based it on things i love. A lot of my pictures were done with my soccer team. Because the soccer season was still in season, i was with them a ton and they helped me with this project. 

iii. My favorite photos are in this order: 
Compassion (row 5, column 3)- i like this picture because it has my whole soccer team in the photo and for half of the year, the soccer team is my second family. 
Love (row 1, column 4)- These two sisters amaze me everyday. They always show that they love each other and they are going to be best friends forever!
Abandoned (row 2, column 5)-  This picture reminds me of my trip to Costa Rica because when we were there we went to a orphanage and it really made me think about everything i have today. these kids had nothing. no family, no home, no love. i am so grateful to be able to make a difference in these kids' lives. 

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