Friday, October 31, 2014

Understanding Shutter Speed

What is shutter speed? Well...
Shutter speed is the amount of time the shutter is open while taking a photo. When shutter speed is measured, it is measured in seconds. If you take a photo that is more than 1/60th of a second long, then you should use a tripod or some sort of stabilizer like a table or a flat surface. The longer you have the shutter speed open, the more light is let in to the photo. Also when on a faster shutter speed, it captures the moment faster. When on a slower shutter speed, the picture becomes blurry because it does not capture movement easily. 

This photo was taken with a fast shutter speed because the movement is captured very well. 
 This photo was taken with a slow shutter speed because the movement is blurry and the object is not on focus. 

The shutter speed is a very important part in the exposure triangle. The exposure triangle contains of 3 items, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. If you change one thing, then everything else changes also.  If you change the shutter speed, but don't change your the aperture or ISO, then there won't be the right amount of light coming in through the camera. If there is not enough light/ too much light coming through the camera, then the picture will not turn out the way you want. Everything works together to make the perfect photo.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Understanding Aperture

What is aperture?  Well.....
Techanchally, aperture is the size of the opening in the lens when a picture is taken. The aperture in the camera is like an eye. The pupil in an eye gets bigger when it gets dark to let more light in. When it gets brighter, the pupil gets smaller to let less light in. Well, same thing happens with aperture in a camera. The lens gets bigger to let more light in and it gets smaller to block more light out. Visually, aperture allows the photo to have blur. 

This picture has a low aperture number and so it has blur. Blur lets you focus easier on a subject.
 This picture has a high aperture number and so it's much clearer. 

Aperture is a very important part in the exposure triangle. The exposure triangle contains of 3 items, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. If you change one thing, then everything else changes also.  If you change aperture, but don't change your shutter speed, then there is not enough light coming in through the camera. If there is not enough light coming through the camera, then the picture will not turn out the way you want. Everything works together to make the perfect photo.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Photographic Themes

i. At first this shooting assignment was easy. i had most of my ideas on paper already but there were a few i didn't know about what i should do. i waited a few days to see if inspiration would come,but when it didn't i went to a few friends for ideas. i had gotten all my ideas on paper but now i had the problem actually getting the pictures. i got as many pictures as i could but when i couldn't get the rest, i kinda put this project aside and put other things before it. in the blink of an eye, this project was due the next day. i still didnt have a lot of my pictures. i was feeling rushed and im not happy with some of the pictures i used. But overall, i think it turned out okay. 

ii. the overall production turned out well because this project was very personal and i based it on things i love. A lot of my pictures were done with my soccer team. Because the soccer season was still in season, i was with them a ton and they helped me with this project. 

iii. My favorite photos are in this order: 
Compassion (row 5, column 3)- i like this picture because it has my whole soccer team in the photo and for half of the year, the soccer team is my second family. 
Love (row 1, column 4)- These two sisters amaze me everyday. They always show that they love each other and they are going to be best friends forever!
Abandoned (row 2, column 5)-  This picture reminds me of my trip to Costa Rica because when we were there we went to a orphanage and it really made me think about everything i have today. these kids had nothing. no family, no home, no love. i am so grateful to be able to make a difference in these kids' lives. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Portrait Session w/ Bailey

BailEy Elizabeth Stone

Bubbly and friendly are two perfect words to describe Bailey. Bailey Stone loves to take pictures but wants to do more than just take them. She wants to learn how to learn how to capture things (such as emotion and actions) in a still picture. She wants to learn how to portray messages in her pictures as well. If Bailey could take a picture of anything in the world, it would be anything underwater. Bailey considers herself as a perfectionist and she believes she is too hard on herself. She thinks if she could change anything about herself, it would be her perfectionism. In ten years, she sees herself with as a Child Life Specialist with family in New York.  Even though Bailey spends most of her free time on her phone and watching TV, she doesnt have a lot of free time because she is a varsity cheerleader and cheerleading takes up a lot of your time. One thing in pop culture that she wishes would go away is the popular game Clash of Clans. One of her biggest fears is a needle. She also thinks ne of her flaws is that she gets stressed very easily. If she could have one super power it would be mind-reading. Bailey doesnt like when people think bad about her or are keeping something from her. If she would eat at one type of restaurant for the rest of her life, it would be Italian restaurants.

About Me

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Sketchbook Cover

I took this photograph because I love soccer and i saw this opportunity to take a really good picture. I took it down at eye level and i tried to make good balance and even composition. I made an  emphasis on the Nike swoosh because it was a bright color on a gloomy day. This means something to me because even if I don't have a good day, I can rely on sports to help me with the stress. The main theme of this is mostly sports (soccer specifically) and quotes. i showcased my identity by showing the field and the equipment of the game i love. The other texts on the cover are related to my theme because they all have to relate to sports. The hexagons are supposed to persistent the hexagons on a soccer ball. 


1.     Anger      

this has happened too many times in my life. this makes me angry because i know i have worked way too hard to only tie. i must win. 
2.     Power

When I think of power, i think of a car. this car has a powerful engine.
3.     Ugly

i said this is ugly because there is a lot of guck in the water and it isn't very clear and is bad for the environment. 
4.     Calm

this picture reminds me of calm because when i went to Costa Rica, this was the view we saw on top of a cliff. 
5.     Compassion

      1. everyone is hugging and i think hugging is a great way to show love and compassion 
6.     Authority

He makes important decisions about what is good for the team. 
7.     Pride

A caption takes pride in what he or she is leading. 
8.     Mysterious

the woods can be mysterious because there are creatures unknown and you never what is there. 
9.     Wisdom
Gandhi has said some of my favorite quotes ever. this quote specifically has meaning to me because one morning my mom was having a bad morning, so she printed this quote out and stuck it on our bathroom mirror.
10.  Love

these 2 sisters inspire me with how much love and care they have for each other. 
11.  Lazy

in this picture, there is no effort in doing well. 
12.  Temptation

No one can resist a good cookie and brownie. 
13.  Happiness

Man's best friend.
14.  Growth

These 3 sisters are different ages and they are all living at different stages, but they all are living together. 
15.  Memories

Pictures can remind you of the past.
16.  Sounds

i said this speaker because before every game, the soccer team jams out to music in the locker room. 
17.  Diversity

these markers are all different and unique.
18.  Dangerous

Knives are dangerous because they can cut you and can be very harmful.
19.  Hope

this cross represents Jesus. Jesus to some people are their source of hope. 
20.  Truth

Eyes are the window to the soul. 
21.  Patriotic

They are wearing red,white, and blue for the national colors.
22.  Sad

This picture is supposed to represent an injury. Injuries are hard to recover from and is a tragic when it happens.
23.  Terrifying

In the darkness, you don't know what is there. 
24.  Abandoned

This picture was taken in Costa Rica when we went to an orphanage. I said this was abandoned because the kids don't have loving homes and here they can have hugs and love all they want. it was a very heart warming experience. 
25.  Courage

when i think of courage, i think of someone/thing being brave. this is the first thing that came to mind when i thought of the word brave. (I'm a huge Disney freak!)