Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Final Composition Project

  • I chose the starfish and the coral because it has a lot of texture. The starfish and coral represent my passion for the ocean and the beach. I've been to the beach many times but I've never been into the tanning and the relaxing on the beach. I've been more into the ocean. I am always in the ocean because I've always been fascinated by what's in it. 95% of the ocean world is still unknown to us.
  •  The soccer ball in the top left corner is showing repetition / pattern. The hexagons are being repeated and the pattern black and white is all over the soccer ball and is also being repeated. I chose this as a photo because it demonstrates my love for soccer. I play soccer almost everyday and it takes over my life.
  • The cellphone picture of the Iron Building (located in NYC) has vibrant colors that applies to the rule of thirds. I put 2 pictures in one because I never do anything without my cellphone and I love New York City. Me and my family take day trips to New York City all the time. Also, just like every other teenager, I don't do anything without my phone.
  • Every morning when I get up, I always look out my window at the beautiful sunrise. This is how I start my day. This is a perfect example of horizon lines. This picture also has a lot of movement between the trees.
  • The last picture is of my cat. This could be an example of proportion and scale. The cat is zoomed in on so it makes her eye look really bigger than what it is. My cat is amazing. She sleeps with me at night, and greets me when I get home.

  • My brother is an okay brother. JUST KIDDING! He's a really good brother. We have a pretty good relationship, but he gets on my nerves sometimes. We fight sometimes but just over little stuff. My mom always says you can't choose your family but sometimes I wish I could. This photo has a diagonal line because his arms move across the page.
  • Next, i have a picture of books. These books are supposed to represent school but it looks like i like to read. But I don't like to read at all. i only read books that i have to for school. I don't exactly have time to sit down and read books. Anyway, these books are representing school. I like to think of myself as a good student but sometimes i get really overwhelmed with everything and i fall behind in work. I then have to work extra hard to not say behind. But i figure it out. This picture has not only vertical lines but also have emphasis. The books make really good vertical lines between each book. Also the red book stands out more than the rest. This whole collage has a lot of red in it. 
  • The two gloves in the corner represent my soccer life. I am the goalie. I live and breath for soccer. It is my passion and the only thing that helps me relieve stress. My goalie training is different than regular soccer training. i do completely different drills than everyone else but I always pour my heart and soul into what I do; and it's paid off. I have almost a full scholarship to Robert Morris University right outside of Pittsburgh. These gloves have proportion / scale because it is showing how big the other one is. One of the gloves is my real glove that i wear and the other one is a keychain that I put on my bag. 
  • The snowflake in the other corner is a really cool photo to me because I love snow but i hate the cold. I love doing things with snow. i love making snowmen and sledding but i wish i lived somewhere warmer and more summer than winter. The snowflake has rule of thirds and it is so pretty to look at. I love how every snowflake is different. Everyone is unique, just like people. There are not two that are exactly the same. I think that is amazing. 
  • The flower in the middle is also emphasis. The bright red in the all white background is so pretty and your eye goes right to the flower. I took this picture because I love nature and i love taking pictures of nature. Mother nature is very unique and very surprising. That's why I like this picture so much and that's why i put it in the middle. 
And those are all of my pictures. 

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