Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Understanding Focal Lengths





Focal Length is not an actual length. It is the distance of the center of the lense to the point that is focus. If you "zoom in", it is like the camera is getting rid of the extra space and is focusing on a more direct point. The tighter you zoom, the more focused the photo will be on an object. If the camera is at 18mm, you will get more of a wide view than if the camera is set at 55mm. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Elements & Principles of Photography

Leading lines are lines that help direct the viewers eyes to somewhere else. 
The line is leading the viewer's eye down the field. I love soccer!!!
Vertical lines are lines that go up and down and lead the viewers eyes off the photo. 
This photo makes your eyes go everywhere and i love all the color.
Horizontal lines are lines that go from side to side and lead the viewers eyes off the photo.
This photo is a picture of stairs. It's simple, and creative.
Diagonal lines work to draw the eye of a viewer across the page. 
The pencil draws your eye towards the edges of the photo. 
Curved lines bring a sense of beauty and charm to a photo. 
This shell has a curved front and it brings your eye across the whole image.
Symmetrical balance is when the symmetry in a picture is the same.
If you cut this photo in half, it is the exact same on both sides
Asymmetrical balance is when the symmetry in a picture is not the same.
They are the same thing, just represented differently.

Unity a group of something that is organized.
These things are working together.
Variety is a lot different choices.
There are so many different colors to choose from.
Movement / rhythm is when a photo moves your eyes all around the photo in no order.
This hummingbird is very agile and moves quickly.

Emphasis is when a certain thing is supposed to stand out from everything else.

This leaf is standing out between all the rest.

Proportion / scale is when the photo is evenly distributed.
These bottle caps are even throughout the page.

Repetition / pattern is when there is a certain thing repeated several times.
These trees are repeated and it is one big forest.

Bird's eye view is when it is viewed from an above view point.
The photo is taken from above the giraffes height.

Worm's eye view is when it is viewed from below the subject.
This photo was taken from the ground looking up. This is a beautiful tree and I want it!

Horizon line is when there is a distinct line between the sky and the ground.
You can see the horizon line in the back ground and the tree is the main focus.

Rule of thirds is when the subject is not exactly in the middle.
The photo is simple and smart and I like this idea.

Framing is drawing attention to a subject by blocking other parts of the image.
The frame is simple. It goes around the main subject of the photo to highlight it more.

Simplicity is a close up of the subject in the photograph.
It's simple. Everyone knows about the apple.

Texture is when you can see the texture in a photo.
You can feel the texture in the photo. It appeals to your sense of touch a lot.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Camera Basics Quiz

Group B

 For this photo, I took a picture of my fish. I looked around and this was the only thing i could find that was constantly moving. I put my shutter speed as low as I could without it looking dark.
This is a picture of an original soccer ball. Most don't look like this anymore. For this photo, i laid down and put the camera on the ground.

This photo is a picture with grain. I thought this would be a good object to take a picture of because it has lots of color and I figured it would be festive. I like to take pictures of things from a downward angle because I think they look much cooler than a photo straight on.

This is my self-portrait. It took me about 15 different tries to get a photo I liked. I didn't have a tripod so I set the camera on a table and used the self timer. The camera gave me 10 seconds and then took 10 shots of me.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Understanding White Balance

What is white balance? Well...
White balance helps you get the color in the image as accurate as your eyes see them. There are different kinds of pre-made white balances for the different types of lighting you might have. The names a self-explanatory. Custom white balance is the setting that lets you choose what is "white". If you set your white balance to white picture, then your following pictures will turn out the right way. if hte white balance is not set to the correct shade of white, then all your other pictures will turn out wonky.




 Tungsten Light

 White Fluorescent Light



Monday, November 24, 2014

Composition Match Game

E/P of Design
Directs viewer's attention to what is important using objects or elements existing in the scene
Repetition/ Pattern 
The repeated consistency of an element of work 
Birds Eye View
View looking from above looking down 
Rule of Thirds
Composition of thumb where the whole image is divided into 9 equal parts; compositional elements should be placed along these lines or intersections 
  Symmetrical Balance 
One side balan balances or the other (separated by vertical lines)
Vertical Lines
Lines that run north & south

-Grandness & Spirituality 
All elements of a piece work together to produce a balanced, harmonious, complete whole 
Asymmetrical Balance
Different Object balance each other out in the page
Leading lines 
 Lines that lead the eye to other points in the image (or out of the image)
Horizontal Lines 
Lines that run east & west

-Rest, calmness, 
Lines that run in a slanted direction

-movement & direction 
Proportion/ Scale
the relative size of one object in relation to another 
The appearance and feel of a surface 
Curved Lines
Lines that deviate from straightness in a smooth, continuous fashion 
Movement/ Rhythm 
Shows action and the path of the viewer's eyes through the art wrok 
Worm's eye view
View from below looking up
Elements in a piece that are given a dominance or attract attention. 
Differences in elements and principles of design that gives interest to a composition 
Singling out an item(s) from their surrounding. 
Horizon line
Used to emphasize the sky or the ground based on the placement of horizontal line where the ground meets the sky
Elements & Principles of Design:

Asymmetrical Balance
Bird’s Eye View
Curved Lines
Diagonal Lines
Horizon Line
Horizontal Lines
Leading Lines
Rule of Thirds
Symmetrical Balance
Vertical Lines
Worm’s Eye View