Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Creative Unit

Circle Rotation

Halftone Screen

Hand Color

Image w/ Text

Symmetrical Patterns

Texture Screen

Vertical Strips

Double Exposure 

I REALLY liked this unit. i love learning about photoshop and creating interesting photos to look at. I just wished we had a little more time. If i had more time, i would've gotten different photo subjects and more interesting outcomes. i am a perfectionist so i got really frustrated when i could not get the photo to look the way i wanted it. For example, my double exposure picture is not my first try. I had an idea in my head but unfortunately i couldn't get it exactly the way i wanted it. I am still pleased with my outcome but practice makes perfect. This unit was so exciting to work on that i wanted to come bak and do more and hope that i get the chance to in the future.