Monday, November 2, 2015


Closure occurs when an object is incomplete or a space is not completely enclosed. If enough of the shape is indicated, people perceive the whole by filling in the missing information.

The NBC symbol is an example closure perception because hidden inside the symbol is a peacock. It is visible because we can perceive the shape of the animal due to closure, filling in the missing parts. 


People have a tendency to group stimuli into continuous lines and patterns. 

For example, we assume that the lines that go across or behind the big cross connect, but if you really look at it, the lines don't match up correctly.

Similarity occurs when objects look similar to one another. People often perceive them as a group or pattern.

The spots are all different shapes and sizes but with a quit glance, they look to be in a pattern .


Proximity occurs when elements are placed close together. They tend to be perceived as a group.
These lines are all different and spread apart, but since they are grouped in a certain way, you can see the letters spell "IBM".

Figure-ground perception 

The eye differentiates an object from its surrounding area. a form, silhouette, or shape is naturrally perceived as figure (object), while the surrounding area is perceived as ground (background).

Between the E and the X there is the shape of an arrow that is hidden. This shape is surrounded by it's background and you have to look for it to actually see it.

Perception of movement

An illusion that will perceive continuous movement in a rapid series of slightly varying images. 
This is a clay chicken and it is used in an amateur short films. In order to make a short film you must take pictures and slightly move them between each picture. Then put all the pictures together and it looks likes its moving. This is like perception of movement because it wasn't actually moving, all of the pictures were just put together really fast.

Phi Phenomenon

an optical illusion in which stationary objects shown in rapid succession, transcending the threshold at which they can be perceived separately, appear to move.
These lights are not actually moving. They are stationary lights that go on back and forth to look like they are moving.

Reversible Figures

A reversible figure is an ambiguous two-dimensional drawing that represents a three-dimensional object in such a way that it can be seen from two different perspectives.
This logo is actually only 2-d but I can be perceived as 3-d.

Monocular cues
-Relative size
Relative size is a perceptual clue which allows you to determine how close objects are to an object of known size.
In this picture, there are two spray cans. One slightly further away from the camera than the other. This makes the can in the back look smaller even though they are the same size.

-Relative motion
Relative Motion refers to the motion or speed of any object in respect to a particular point.
This picture describes relative motion because at different distances, different objects are moving at different rates. (You pass by the houses fast, you pass by the bridge slowly, and the sky doesn’t appear to move.
-Relative height
Relative Height is a concept used in visual and artistic perspective where distant objects are seen or portrayed as being smaller and higher in relation to items that are closer.
In this picture, there are two people of similar heights. However, the one in front looks much larger than the other because she is standing closer to the camera

Interposition occurs in instances where one object overlaps the other, which causes us to perceive depth
In the image, cars are shown bumper to bumper, which overlaps them. This shows us that, even though it is only a 2 dimensional image, the white car is closer to the camera than the black car.
-Linear perspective
Linear perspective is related to both relative size and the next depth cue, texture gradient. In linear perspective parallel lines that recede into the distance appear to get closer together or converge.
In the picture, the railroad tracks, even though they are continuously parallel, seem to touch at a point. This is caused by linear perspective. The further the tracks are from the camera, the closer they appear to each other.
Binocular cues
-Retinal disparity
Retinal disparity is defined as the way that your left eye and your right eye view slightly different images.
The image produced by the left eye is slightly different to that of your right eye (depending on distance). So in this picture, the image seen by the left eye covers up the building, but the image seen by the right eye does not because of retinal disparity.

In order to perceive depth properly, your eyes must move slightly inward or converge. In so doing, people are able to determine if objects are close to them or far away.
This cat is using convergence to properly perceive that the fly is right up close to it by converging its eyes to the object.
Perceptual Consistencies
-Size constancy
Size constancy refers to the fact that our perceptions of the size of objects are relatively constant despite the fact that the size of objects on the retina vary greatly with distance.
In the photograph, the people in the background seem smaller than those in the foreground. However they are not because of how we perceive depth. Also, this will be consistent when perceiving depth and size. This is why it is known as size constancy.

-Brightness constancy
The tendency for a visual object to be perceived as having the same brightness under widely different conditions of illumination
Image result for brightness constancy psychology
On this checkerboard, two dots are painted in the same paint. One is in a shadow and the other is not. However, due to their brightness constancy, they appear to have the same brightness regardless of the shadow.
-Shape constancy
Shape constancy refers to the phenomenon in which the percept of the shape of a given object remains constant despite changes in the shape of the object's retinal image.
In this picture, the shape pf the paper plates are perceived the same despite the alteration in orientation. This is called shape constancy.
Visual illusions
Color illusions
Color illusions are images where surrounding colors trick the human eye into incorrect interpretation of color.
The coloured tiles illusion tricks you into thinking the square on top of the cube is brown whereas the square on the side in shadow is orange. In reality both squaresthe same colour
The colored tiles illusion tricks you into thinking the square on top of the cube is brown whereas the square on the side in shadow is orange. In reality both squares the same color
Distortion illusions
Distorting illusions are characterized by distortions of size, length, or curvature.
Cafe Wall illusion
This optical illusion makes the parallel straight horizontal lines appear to be bent by distorting the positioning of the squares.
Facial illusions
Face Illusions are ambiguous images which exploit similarities between two or more distinct images. They are also known as reversal images, puzzle images and perceptual rivalry.
The man in the picture appears to be looking at you while, at the same, looking to the side. The two distinct images are; the man looking straight ahead, and the man looking to the side. This creates a perceptual rivalry.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Creative Unit

Circle Rotation

Halftone Screen

Hand Color

Image w/ Text

Symmetrical Patterns

Texture Screen

Vertical Strips

Double Exposure 

I REALLY liked this unit. i love learning about photoshop and creating interesting photos to look at. I just wished we had a little more time. If i had more time, i would've gotten different photo subjects and more interesting outcomes. i am a perfectionist so i got really frustrated when i could not get the photo to look the way i wanted it. For example, my double exposure picture is not my first try. I had an idea in my head but unfortunately i couldn't get it exactly the way i wanted it. I am still pleased with my outcome but practice makes perfect. This unit was so exciting to work on that i wanted to come bak and do more and hope that i get the chance to in the future. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Motion Final

Blurred Motion
Aperture: 25.0
Shutter Speed: 1/30
ISO: 800

Aperture: 22.0
Shutter Speed: 1/40
ISO: 400

Frozen Motion
Aperture: 5.0
Shutter Speed: 1/1000
ISO: 3200

Aperture: 36.0
Shutter Speed: 1/6
ISO: 100

Writing with Light
Aperture: 10.0
Shutter Speed: 25.0
ISO: 200

Chrono Motion
Aperture: 4.0
Shutter Speed: 1/1000
ISO: 100

I enjoyed this unit for the most part. Some of the pictures were difficult to take, such as panning, but I think it turned out okay. My favorite was the chrono motion pictures. I liked that we had to edit them and you had a lot of creative freedom. I really liked how a lot of my photos turned out. I was really nervous about how my panning shot would turn out because we were having a lot of trouble with that. I liked working with a group but it would be cooler if we would work with anyone, even if they weren't in photography. I defiantly want to use these concepts in my future projects. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Motion Planning

Group Members: Sydney Bruckner, Jadyn Zeigler, Angeline Tango

Burred Subject

ISO: 800  Shutter Speed: 1/60  Aperture: 4.5


ISO: 1600 Shutter Speed: 1/100 Aperture: 5.0

Freeze Motion

ISO: 1600 Shutter Speed: 1/2500 Aperture: 4.0


ISO: 800  Shutter Speed: 1' Aperture: 7.3

Writing With Light

ISO: 200 Shutter Speed: BULB Aperture: 18.0

Motion Shooting Assignment

These are 100 of our pictures. we took more around 450 pictures...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Writing w/ Light Group Exposures

Sydney Bruckner, Angeline Tango, Jadyn Zeigler

This unit is really fun. i loved experimenting with different light sources and being able to express my creativity. next time i would defiantly make the exposure longer. It would let more light in and cooler effects.